Sunday, January 8, 2012

How much lower can I get below KBB?

I would like to get a used 2005-2006 VW Jetta. The one I'm looking at is similar to others I've seen, around 25-30k miles around $15k, which is right around KBB value. How much lower can you expect to get below KBB values? Would it be reasonable to ask for $12k? I've never purchased a used car, so I really have no idea.

Thanks!|||that all depends on how much the dealer gave the prevous owner on trade. sometimes they are only making 2-3k on a trade.|||KBB get their values from what people pay for vehicles. What KBB says is an average of what people are paying for those types of vehicles. If you can buy it under blue book value and do, dont be surprised if you cant sell it for more than blue book.

KBB states what the vehicle is worth, that is what you can expect to pay.

No one cares how much walmart makes when they sell you justin timberlakes new album @ 300% markup.

Selling cars is not a non profit business,

This is how i feed my family and beleive me, I'm not rich

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